
01.04.10 Picture of the month

G. borthii subsp. nogolense VoS 189

01.04.10 Gymnos in habitat

Gymnocalycium cardenasianum

01.03.10 New field numbers

Based on my trip to Argentina (2010) 298 new entries were added to the category field numbers.

01.03.10 Picture of the month

Gymnocalycium stenopleurum VoS 249

01.03.10 Big picture of the habitat

G. castellanosii subsp. ferocius VoS 858

02.02.10 Picture of the month

Gymnocalycium spec. PR 675

02.02.10 Big picture of the habitat

Gymnocalycium anisitsii VoS 525

03.01.10 Gymnos from A to Z

Gymnocalycium chiquitanum