Gymnocalycium spegazzinii Britton & Rose
Gymnocalycium anisitsii VoS 28
Gymnocalycium berchtii VoS 170
The list of field numbers did not work properly during the past two days, but the issues should be resolved now. The filter was unusable and sorts in the English version of the list made the page revert to the German site. Both functions should be working properly now - sorry for the inconvenience.
With my list of field numbers the next category of the new version of this site is now available.
Gymnocalycium ritterianum WR 126
Gymnocalycium kroenleinii
The 19th edition of the Gymnocalycium convention of the AGG is taking place in Eugendorf/Austria from March 30th to April 1st of 2007. Everyone interested in the topic is welcome to participate and listen to the numerous speeches (most, though, are held in German). Please take a look at this year's programme.